Harrogate Brigantes Rotary Legacy Application Guidance

Who are we?

Harrogate Brigantes Rotary is part of the worldwide Rotary movement which has as its motto “Service Above Self”. As well as meeting regularly, we aim to make a difference to communities both locally and internationally by establishing projects and through charitable giving. Please see our website for more information.

What is the Legacy Fund?

Brigantes has been left a sum of money through a legacy and we are seeking to donate it to local worthy causes. In the first instance we are releasing a tranche of up to £50,000.

How much can I apply for?

We recognise that different sizes of organisations will have different needs. We are therefore proposing to donate two amounts of up to £10,000 as well as further amounts for smaller projects.

Who can apply?

We are seeking applications from organisations located within the former Harrogate Borough Council District and we are particularly keen to support those which have a strong connection to their local community and for whom a donation would make a significant difference. We are seeking to support capital investments rather than recurring running costs. 

We expect you to:

  • Have a bank account in your group’s/organisation’s name with at least two signatories who are not related to each other.
  • Have a governing document outlining your objectives.
  • Be locally led and run. 
  • Have at least three unrelated trustees, directors or management committee members.
  • To provide two like-for-like quotations for any capital items or work to be carried out over £1,000.

We cannot fund:

  • Private businesses
  • General appeal or sponsorship
  • National organisations (unless you are a local group with your own governing document, local management committee and responsibility for your own accounts).
  • Work which has already started or has taken place (which means that successful applicants are unlikely to be able to purchase any capital items or commence works before September 24 2024).
  • Work normally funded from statutory sources
  • Prize money
  • Purchase of gifts
  • Work of a political nature
  • Work for the advancement of religion where the main focus is on proselytising
  • Work where the main beneficiaries are animals
  • Organisations that give funds to other organisations
  • Staff costs and overheads

When can I apply?

The Fund will be opened on 30th April 2024 and the closing date for applications will be 31st May 2024. Application forms can be accessed via the Harrogate Brigantes website.

How can I apply?

Download and complete the application form on the Legacy application page of the Harrogate Brigantes Rotary website and then upload it where indicated on the same page. If you have any difficulties accessing the technology, please email legacy@rotaryharrogatebrigantes.org.uk for information about alternative ways to apply.

Grant Monitoring

We will request grant monitoring information to ensure that all the funds have been spent and to ensure that they have been spent as outlined in the application.

You don’t have to be a member to discover the benefits of Rotary, you can just help out on a project

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